We drove through Plymouth to get there. This involves negotiating the nastiest roundabout we have ever seen, Canberra included. Anyway, we got there okay. We overtook several cyclists on the way. Wayne, now an expert cyclist, noted how some were riding with their knees sticking out and needed to raise their seats. I noted how one bloke's shirt had ridden up, ensuring an inch-wide sunburn around
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Dartmoor in 'drought'
We drove through Plymouth to get there. This involves negotiating the nastiest roundabout we have ever seen, Canberra included. Anyway, we got there okay. We overtook several cyclists on the way. Wayne, now an expert cyclist, noted how some were riding with their knees sticking out and needed to raise their seats. I noted how one bloke's shirt had ridden up, ensuring an inch-wide sunburn around
Sunday, 20 June 2010
St Mawgan walk, through Newquay and on to the Bowgie Inn

We decided to do one of the pubwalks in the Newquay area, have a look at Newquay and then have lunch at the Bowgie Inn which is perched on a headland near the village of Crantock. Why the Bowgie Inn you ask? Lunch at the Bowgie comes as a 42 years old recommendation from my Mum

But before we get to that we had to work up an appetite and our pubwalk was around the Mawgan Vale. The Morgul Vale in Lord Of The Rings is a dark, evil place - home of the Witchking Of Angmar Lord Of The Nazgul. Mawgan Vale is a beautiful, wooded place more reminiscent of the hobbits' walk to Bree without the scary bits. The walk started at the Falcon Inn in the village of St Mawgan, where a large, old, stone church is

The sky was blue, the sun warm and a refreshing breeze was coming off the ocean that could be seen between hills in the distance. Wildflowers were out in abundance. We saw beautiful wild

It was obvious as we drove into Newquay that we weren't in England anymore. We were in Manly or Narooma or the cover of a Beach Boys record. Australia quietly gets on with surfing. The beach is there, the water is there, the surf is there. You go to the beach. It is what Aussies do. Newquay positively SCREAMS surfing. "Surf City here we come" as Jan & Dean said. Maybe it felt like an over-commercialised Bell's Beach. A surfing Mecca. An important place in the consciousness of world surfing. It was surfing concentrated to a few coastal miles of its British home. Surf culture belongs to Fistral Beach and presumably the west coast of the United States with Narrabeen getting an appreciative nod in The Beach Boys' Surfing USA. Needless to say, on a warm, sunny Saturday it was packed! Without a place to park and children complaining from hunger it was through Newquay and on to Crantock and the Bowgie Inn for us.
I pictured Mum and Dad as 18-19 year olds sitting on the balcony of the Bowgie having a drink after a day lying on the beach and surfing respectively. I bet the large car park at the back of the pub wasn't there then and maybe the holiday units across the other headland weren't there but I think the scene would have been pretty much the same. Maybe it was less busy. Maybe it was evening and they watched the sun setting over the sea. We sat and ate for a while looking at the view across Crantock Beach, watching the afternoon surf lifesaver patrol setting up and watching the surfers catching the small waves. Beautiful views on a beautiful day.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Singing at Lanteglos

Sunday, 13 June 2010
June days
The Rover 25 has proven not so much a trusty steed at this point by blowing a head gasket. It has been hauled away for an indeterminate time period, forcing Wayne to cycle to school whether he likes it or not, and me to cadge lifts to town to get the groceries. Excursions are out of the question for the time being.
The children are out of the house most of the day, when not at school, untroubled by the lack of car. Emerging from the house for the first time in ages, I decided to find out what they were up to.
The answer is, lots. The netted trampoline in the high field near Mike's garden I knew about, for bouncing, lying in the sun or even kicking a soccer ball in. And Eleanor had shown me a little hidey-hole in the nearby hedge that she'd furbished up as a cubby, often joined by a cat.
Then there is the lane, and various drive-ways off it. The kids tear around them on bikes and scooters with young Will and Sophie next door, using which ever one happens to be lying about. The neighbours don't seem to mind their private drives being used. Kate down the road even took the girls up to one of the barns and showed them some kittens, just at the cute and fluffy stage. A teenage girl showed them how to feed the carp in a little pond behind one of the houses.
Eleanor and Sophie created a new play house with a tarp near the duck pond. I wandered down with Annie this morning to see what they were up to, and found them at the pond looking at fat tadpoles and tiny frogs. I haven't seen these since I was a little 'un myself in Australia. (It's a sad reflection that frogs are getting very rare back home.) A couple of ducks swam over to see what we were up to. There are two wild geese and there three half-grown goslings on the pond as well.
Jack and Will have a hide-out too. They just burst in for some masking tape, and back out again. The kids seem to have free access to all the surrounding houses, and it's not a bad system. Eleanor and Sophie spent a large part of yesterday at the wood down behind the cow pasture, too, although the bluebells are gone now. There's a creek down there as well.
So far Sophie has come a nasty cropper on her bike, and Eleanor has fallen out of a tree. They seem to be happy to be patched up and sent out again. I guess you can't supervise them all the time and perhaps you would be mad to try. At least you don't have to worry about snakes and branches falling down every time there is some wind...
I borrowed the children's classic, "Swallows and Amazons", from the library some weeks ago. The children in it were anxiously awaiting a telegram from their voyaging father to see if they had permission to sail out to a little island on the lake near their farm-holiday place. The answer came : BETTER DROWNED THAN DUFFERS IF NOT DUFFERS WONT DROWN. The mother seemed happy to accept that as a 'yes'. I guess we weren't so precious about children in the old days!