And we waited. The bus was about 20 minutes late. This wasn't particularly concerning at the time as we knew we had a fairly good buffer of 30 minutes for the train connection but as we approached Nowra I was mentally doing the maths on distance to travel and speed of the bus. It was going to be close. The bus pulled into Bomaderry at 10:45. The train was due to leave at 10:45. It was waiting on the platform. People were milling about. There was a queue at the ticket machine. Stef and the kids dragged the bags and themselves to the platform while I ran to the ticket booth to get the tickets.
"When's the train going mate?" I inquired.
" 'bout a minute." the ticket man said.
Hastily I bought the tickets to the International Terminal while Stef and the kids did their best to delay the train by shoving luggage towards the train door. The Fosters made it, just, with about 20 seconds to spare. This was the connection with the narrowest margin so it was hoped that the rest of the journey would be less panicky.
Once on the train we were more relaxed. Here we are on the train being

We had to swap trains at Kiama as we moved from the diesel to the electric line. The electric train was waiting for us at the joining platform but I wanted to just make sure.
"Is that the train to Wolli Creek?" I asked one of the guards.
"No, that's two hours wait" the guard replied.
"What?" I said looking startled.
"Only joking" said the guard. Jack wanted to kill him. Preferably in a horrible way. Stef left her coat on the first train and had to run back to get it before it went back to Nowra and before we went off to Sydney. She made it but the less said about that little mistake the better.
We arrived at the airport in good time. Checking in was a breeze and we were pleased to offload our luggage. It was time for lunch so we went to the noisiest place in the world - the airport food court - to eat. It was full of people from all over the world talking, laughing and calling out to each other. Combine this with endless 'bing bong Qantas are announcing that flight Q124 to Mumbai is now boarding at gate 24' and the noise was completely overwhelming. But we endured it and had our last food on Australian soil for 12 months. It is interesting to note here that other airports around the world don't do PA announcements. You have to look up the information yourself. Other airports are relatively quiet.
We decided that one more toilet break might be a good idea before going through to the gate lounge area. Who should we meet as we waited outside the toilets? Stacey Donahue - a Carroll College maths teacher - what a funny, small world it is.
At the appointed time we went through security and to the immigration hall. We knew nothing about immigration procedures so walked boldly up to the immigration person. She sent us away because we hadn't filled in the little immigration forms available at the booths along the wall. Ah, that would explain what the hundreds of people along the wall were doing. We joined them and filled in forms. Once done we got our passports stamped after the immigration person diligently checked our faces against the passport photos and then we went through to the gate lounge.
The first leg of our flight was Sydney to Singapore (7 hours). We flew straight across the centre of Australia. After take off and about half an hour into the journey, once the novelty of flying had warn off, we all enjoyed the free movies, TV shows and computer games that were on the little screens on the back of the chair in front. Jack liked the view of the sunset from the plane and being above the clouds. He took this photo and Wayne took a photo of Jack.

And then the world eating tour started. They feed you on planes and they insist. Bloated we travelled half way around the world.
The flight to Singapore went smoothly. We waited for about an hour and a half in a gate lounge at Changi Airport where we were treated to the finale of Singapore Idol too loud on the big screen TV. Our bodies were telling us it was about 1am and the girls tried to have a little sleep on the floor of the gate lounge with no success.
We reboarded our plane for the long flight to Frankfurt (13 hours). We travelled across India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, the Balkan states, a bit of Russia, Austria and then into Germany. I was looking at the Flight Map occasionally as we flew and I realised that we were flying over all the 'news' areas: the tribal areas of western Pakistan, Kabuhl, Lahore, Tehran. From 33000 feet the Earth looked dark and peaceful. The glinting lights of towns could be seen but the news that night showed that wars were going on below. For some reason I found it interesting to note that as we flew over war-torn areas Jack was playing the Brick Bat computer game, Annie was watching a Disney Barbie movie and I was listening to Paul Kelly singing From Little Things Big Things Grow (hmm, something meaningful in all of this somewhere). After more food and another movie they dimmed the lights and we were able to get about 5 hours of fitful sleep. We travelled through the night. When we got to Frankfurt it was 6am local time, 5pm Australian time, dark, quiet and eerie. Two airport guards walked past with real, big machine guns. Yikes! By this time our bodies didn't know whether to be awake, asleep, having cornflakes (which we did on the plane) or having a beer (might have been a good option). The long journey was taking its toll and it wasn't much fun any more. Here we are lost and confused in Frankfurt.
Frankfurt was also our first taste of cold as it was 3 degrees C and they bused us out to the plane to walk up the steps.
Another plane (British Airways this time) and it was the short final trip to London. We flew across Belgium, the North Sea and into London from the east. Brighton and the sea could be seen quite clearly out of the window as could the Isle Of Wight. Excitement and relief kicked in as London approached. We could see the Thames, the London Eye ferris wheel and the great sprawling city of London.We walked up the air-bridge from the plane and into the immigration hall of Heathrow. There was a very long line and it took quite a while but we met a couple who were teachers from the US and chatted with them about what we were doing. The female immigration officer knew about our exchange situation thankfully and asked all the right questions to which I produced all the right paperwork. We then stepped on to English soil for the first time in order to get our bags. We freshened up before getting the luggage as we were going to meet Tim , Karen, Jack and Ella beyond the green corridor of 'nothing to declare' customs. There were no customs officers as we went through so unhindered we emerged into England and met the Hodges. It was about 9:30 am. Tim, Karen, Jack and Ella are a lovely family and lovely people. I spoke with Tim about school things, Karen spoke with Stefanie about house and kid's school things, Eleanor made friends with Ella, Jack made friends with Jack, coffee was had...and it was all over too quickly as our journey had to continue. The friendship and shared experience of the Fosters and the Hodges would have to continue over the internet. It was terrific to have had the opportunity to meet each other in person.
We hopped on the very flashy and high-tec (and expensive) Heathrow Express train to Paddington Station saying goodbye to the Hodges with Jack and Ella chasing the train down the platform.At 11:30am we entered Paddington Station. Here we are at Paddington Station.

At 2pm we hopped on to the train to Liskeard. Four hours. It was an extremely tiring, try-to-stay-awake journey that was good until Plymouth. We journeyed through the English countryside which at this time of year looks a bit like the Southern Highlands areas particularly around Bowral and Picton. We saw the White Horse of Westbury and travelled through an interesting area just after Exeter where the tracks are right next to the sea and the waves actually splashed the side of the train!
We pulled into Plymouth and there were people everywhere. It seemed odd and it was. The Argyle football match had been on and the train company hadn't put on enough trains for the crowd so they poured on to our train and they were irrate as they had been waiting for an hour and a half. By this time the kids were asleep and waking them was like waking the dead which we had had to do and created much fuss and concern with our new travellers. Somehow we had to make our way through the crush, get the suitcases off the train and not hurt anyone or our ourselves in the process. We stood in the door area of the train amongst some overexuberant teenagers. One of the girls told some naughty boys who were playing with the train toliet door to 'shut the toilet door 'cause it stinks' in a thick Spice Girls accent which Annie thought was rather good and interesting. Finally we got to Liskeard and unfortunately I wasn't able to get the suitcases off the train without clubbing two of the aforementioned boys in the head with a suitcase as I lifted it off the rack.
Standing on the platform of Liskeard station in the dark and cold, it was very welcoming to hear 'Hello Fosters' from Deb and Brian (Tim's sister and brother-in-law). They drove us to our new home, through Liskeard, down the A38, between the tall, thick hedges of Trethawle Lane and into the pebbled parking area. After nearly 45 hours travelling, we had arrived in Cornwall and there was nothing more to be done than have some toast and go to sleep after our exhausting journey.
Great Blog Wayne wish I could comment, but the computer said "no".
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, with lots of pictures, and info. Love you all and miss you, Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxx
We can feel the bone numbing cold on our faces, but by the look of the sky that day you picked probably what is the very best English winter weather, we can taste the air (wish we were there). Better then breathing in the humidity of a wet season in Far North Queensland!!
ReplyDeleteWe think the buildings in the pictures, were part of the long deceased tin mining industry that flourished in Cornwall. It is interesting to note that a lot of those Cornish tin-miners came to South Australia, and up here in Far North Qld. in the Herberton district.
Look forward to your next adventure
Mum and Dad xxxxx
3 degrees is not really cold. You will soon acclimatize. We got to the stage in Canada where we caught ourselves saying: "It's only -8 or it's only -10 today.