So, off we trundled with the wheeled luggage down to the waterfront. It only took about 6 minutes, even with lugging the bags up the steps of the little bridges. We had time to enjoy the early morning light on the water as we waited for the 6:06 vaporetto in to the bus terminal. This picture of me on the boat is from the day before... I will spare you a very early morning picture of me again!
We had a bit of a wait at the bus terminal too, for the 6:50 to the airport. This would have been more pleasant without the early-morning smokers. Bleagh! Not nice on the empty tum.
It was a very quiet bus trip. We were in a half-doze. The only sounds were of Annie asking me when Captain Cook discovered Australia, and what was the value of pi. (Yes, really). Strange girl, but thank goodness I could answer her before going off into a zombie-state again.
We got to the airport earlier than expected, about 7:40. Some coffee and some attempt at breakfast woke us up a bit, but it was a nasty wait at the boarding gates. There were people for 3 flights squashed up. Our flight was about 25 minutes late. Still, finally we embarked at about 10:30. Off we went to Stansted Airport, which is somewhat north of London. Turning clocks back, we got there at 11. Good, we thought. Three hours before our train to Liskeard... a nice pub dinner would be good, we were starving.

However, the bother of landing cards to write for each of us took time, and getting bags. We finally got on the Stansted Express train for town, later than we would have liked - and it was running late too, from some problem on the line. 45 minutes to Liverpool St station.
By the time we got the tube to Paddington, it was 1:30, and we wanted to board the train in good time. We had to be content with sandwiches. Luckily they were very good ones. At 2:06 we were on our way.
So, back to Liskeard around 6-ish. Wayne and Jack walked off to fetch the car, which had not been trashed at the tennis courts. A quick stop at the supermarket, then dinner and an early night. We made it!
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