Thursday, 14 January 2010

School at last

Today, Thursday, we finally packed Annie and Eleanor off to school. Here is a photo of them in their brand new uniforms, which I have published after some technical difficulties with the camera. I took a photo with my first-ever mobile phone, which worked, but I can't work out how to get it onto a computer. I think one may need a memory card, which I don't have. (There are so many, many things to work out at the moment!)

Yes, dear reader, we have a thaw. I had resolved to get a taxi, if I had to, to get the children to their initial school visits on Wednesday. Luckily, I just had to contend with slush and fog. This was okay, as I now have a basic map of Liskeard in my mind, which is getting filled out a little more with each visit. First up was Jack's school. It is huge, 1200 students being catered for. Jack and I were given a tour through a maze of corridors. Great facilities! Not only a large drama hall, but a dance studio, I noted - thinking of poor old Moruya High's demountable for drama... Anyway, we got a form to fill in, and Jack will be in on Monday - only a week or so before his Australian counterparts, after all.

Then off to the primary school. It is on "Old Road", which I can well believe, it is so narrow and winding. The principal herself gave us the grand tour this time. Everyone says this is a large school, but it looks smaller than Moruya Primary; probably because it is all contained within one building. There are some tiny pupils here - they start at age four. We ended up in one room where Annie's future class was working. They had some big, West Indian kettle drum thingies (surrealistically), and the principal called for a volunteer to show Annie how to play them. Up hopped a small, dark-haired bespectacled boy called Harry... (sound familiar, Rowlings fans?) He couldn't quite remember something, so his mate came up to help. This boy was tall with red hair. I am NOT kidding. (But his name was Mike, not Ron, disappointingly).

Anyway, we set them up for school today. I bought a school jumper and bag also, promising to come around later today with the money. I duly did, having finished grocery shopping with Jack and getting some spare change. The principal said the girls had settled in well. I nipped in to the loo - and came out to find two staff having a huge argument in the middle of the corridor! The office lady was most embarrassed as she ushered me out. I hope it was a one-off, cabin-fever induced fight.

So, there is the photo. Also on my phone is picture of a fluffy, frost-tipped fox that the children and I found lying next to a farm gate on one of our little walks. There was a shotgun pellet, so it must have been shot, but there was no blood or gore. Not like the yucky road-kill ones in Australia, that I always feel glad about, thinking of the several chooks I have lost to greedy feral foxes at Moruya Heads. This one recalled Beatrix Potter... or perhaps the Narnia film that has been shown twice here, in the last week. ( No doubt the hundred years of winter is resonating in the BBC editor's imagination.) I think everyone would give Aslan a hearty cheer about now!

1 comment:

  1. Annie and Eleanor,you both look so smart and grown up in your uniform. Get Dad to take a pic. of Jack in his. Don't forget to let us know all of your school news, and whether you are enjoyingbeing educated in Cornwall (or not!)
    Love you lots - N and G xxx
