Saturday, 2 January 2010

A Successful Raid

Some of these postings are going to be more for Foster family memories of their time in England rather than any wonderful interest to readers. This may be one of them.

This late morning/afternoon we went shopping. The main items required were clothes for winter and school, school stationery and groceries. First it was off to the Op shops in search of jumpers and winter clothes of interest in general. There are four Op shops in Liskeard: Hospital Aid, Red Cross, Heart Foundation and Oxfam. They were all fairly small. The first one yielded nothing. The second yielded nothing. The third was the smallest one with only a few items of clothing BUT I (Wayne) found a gortex all-weather jacket, pristine condition, as seen in Kathmandu shops in Canberra for AUD$300, fitted snugly but pretty well and I'm going to work on losing weight anyway for £5 - what a find! In the last shop I did well again with Stef finding me a heavy, silky grey jumper for £5.

Then it was off to Trago Mills to go berserk. And we did! Winter woolies, Long Johns, Jackets etc etc were all bought as well as some stationery items. I was particularly impressed with my new sleeveless, reversible bodywarmer jacket that I have seen everyone wearing. They are really good, warm and cosy.

Then it was off to the ever-busy Morrison's for some food shopping. We fought our way through the crowds in order to buy some necessary items and the makings of pot-roast slowcooker chicken (from the Hodges you beaut slowcooker recipe book) that Annie had chosen for Sunday dinner. The meal called for 900mL of dry cider so I just had to buy the 3L bottle so I could drink the rest. Cornish cider purists would probably weep at my chioce of Morrison's Dry Cider in a plastic soft-drink bottle as my first taste of cider in Cornwall but, mate, that stuff is deadly - extremely drinkable and 5.3%! Better be careful. (or not).

The older parts of Liskeard are all little lanes and specialty shops. Here we are in one of the lanes.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Wayne and family, you drunken bum Wayne, Tim and Karen have arrived and are settling into great weather. No need for beanies over here. Fishing is great, the best it has been for many years. Flathead, whiting and plenty of fools on the water. Are you drinking warm beer yet? I can picture you going to school with a bright glowing nose from the cold and alcohol. Anyway, take it easy and enjoy your time. We will keep in contact through your blog. Andrew, Jenny and boys.
